pan across girl sitting on the floor looking down slowly looks up (00:00-00:06)
Medium close
up still shot girl staring at camera (slow motion blink) (00:06-00:12)
Cross fade to next shot (black screen)
Medium close
up of jack’s face (00:17-00:22)
Side on
image of jack looking straight ahead (00:22-00:27)
Morph side
image from dark room of boy in to side image of girl in light room
Medium close
up point of view
shot of girl looking at the floor (at handcuffs) (00:31-00:36)
(shot reverse shot) image of handcuffs on floor (00:36-00:39)
Dutch tilt
shot from bottom corner of the room displaying whole room in image girl sat in corner
and picks up handcuffs and starts fiddling with them. (00:39-00:43)
10. Close up of her hands fiddling
with handcuffs. (00:43-00:48)
11. Wide shot of her getting
frustrated at bad memories and chucks the handcuffs to the side. (match on
action) (00:48-00:50)
12. Shot of handcuffs landing
on the floor in the room (Match on action) (00:50-00:54)
13. Fade to next shot to
studio- hand cuffs in the same place and position as previous shot. Jack picks
them up and he is signing (00:54-01:01)
14. wide shot of Girl
stood on pavement of the road with cars going past in fast motion whilst
she is in slow motion (01:01-01:08)
15. Long shot of girl stood on
pavement with hair blowing in the wind (01:08-01:10)
16. Back to jack in the studio him singing line
17. Mirror in studio he looks in mirror and sees
her reflection in the background (01:18-01:25)
18. Long shot of jack stood centred in the
studio, click in the beat before going on to the next line (01:25-01:27)
19. Number of cross cuts between the beats of close ups of him and her, fading in to each other
until end of the line (01:27-01:36)
20. Extreme close up of his fist balling up after
she has appeared in his mind (fist is a thinner opacity and fades to next shot)
21. Medium close up birds eye view shot of girl lying flat on her back on the mattress in the room
looking directly in to the camera (added bruises) camera slight pan back and forth
22. Wide shot of him walking by the stream (01:43-01:46)
23. Zoomed shot taken from the other side of the stream of him kneeling
down by the edge and looking in to his reflection (don’t see reflected image
yet) (01:46-01:50)
24. Over the shoulder shot of her appearing as his reflection in the
water (01:50-01:53)
25. MONTAGE: until end of beat – one shot of her in the room, one of her
walking up the bridge, one of him in the studio then back to one of him in the
park running away in slow motion FADE BRINGING THE SHOTS TOGETHER (01:53-01:59)
26. Tracking shot of her starting to walk up the bridge (01:59- 02:02)
27. Point of view shot of her walking up to the bridge (02:02- 02:06)
28. Jack in studio singing medium close up
29. Long shot of jack in the park against a brick wall looking
distressed hand on wall head resting on it.
30. Medium close up shot of jack smashing empty beer bottle on the brick
wall in normal speed and then changes in to slow motion from when it hits the
wall so you see the pieces falling to the ground slowly. (02:16-02:24)
31. Extreme close up shot of her eyes slow motion blink and a tear falls. (02:24-02:29)
32. Close up of girl looking at something to the
side, breathes, smoke covers her face and her image fades so that all that
remains on the right hand side of the screen is the smoke. He is on the left of
the screen looking longingly at the smoke that was her.
Filmed in the studio (02:29-02:39)
33. Slow Pan up in the studio of jack to sho what he’s wearing
34. Medium close up of her in the bedroom with more bruises obviously
shown (02:39-02:42)
35. Back to her getting further up the bridge long shot from top of the
bridge looking down (02:42-02:48)
36. Him in studio wide
shot, placed at the side (02:48-02:54)
37. Drone shot of girl lying flat with arms and legs sprawled out and quickly fly up to show isolation
in the middle of the empty field. (02:54-03:01)
38. Drone shot quite low
camera circling her still laying flat on the ground (03:01-03:10)
39. Opaque shot of jack centred singing, as soon as it says ‘all’ start
adding in faded shots on top of the image of her in the room more bruises.
40. Wide shot from other side of the bridge walking over the dual
carriageway towards the centre (slow motion) (03:17-03:22)
41. Wide shot from pavement of her reaching the centre of the bridge
42. Extreme close up of her hands grabbing the railing tightly (slow
motion) (03:25-03:29)
43. Extreme close up of her eye with a faded image of him in her eye
44. Eye fades out so its just jack stood alone in the studio (03:34-03:41)
45. Point of view shot of her looking down at the road with the cars go
past. Screen then binks slowly and it blacks out – leaves audience in suspense
as they don’t know what happens. (03:41-03:47)
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