Whilst analysing Taylor
Swift's Bad Blood music video, we noted the way Andrew Godwin's conventions of
a music video could be applied. For example, as soon as the music video begins,
there is a close up of Taylor Swift, followed by her character name “Catastrophe”
on screen, thus allowing the audience to have an immediate insight into the narrative
aspect of the music video. Furthermore, this has an intertextual reference as
it would remind the audience of an opening credit from the action thriller film
“X-Men”. In addition, another music video convention is displayed as voyeurism used when
Selena Gomez looks in the mirror, showing the audience another point of view of
a character in the music video.

The music video’s name slides on screen as the beat drops, which fulfils
another key music video convention as it is presenting a relationship between
the lyrics and the video. Moreover, the title of the video “Bad Blood” is the
colour red and thus it has a thriller connotation, remind the audience of films
such as ‘Kick Ass’ and ‘Pulp Fiction”. Moreover, this shot also presents Taylor
Swift lying on the car in a suggestive manner which emphasises her body parts
to the audience, which follows the music video convention of voyeurism. This is
the idea that women have to be sexualised in music videos in order to draw the
audience’s attention, thus allowing the music video to be a success. In contrast,
Kendrick Lamar is shot via a medium close up and thus he isn’t viewed sexually
in anyway. This persona that men and women artists have to betray in music
videos is reinforced by the camera being used from a male point of view, for
example; slow motion and panning is used when the camera tracks Taylor Swift
lying down, thus unnecessarily sexualising her.
Furthermore, there are multiple of examples of the “Bad Blood” music
video conforming to the convention of the visuals on screen reflect the lyrics
of the song, for example one character in the video punches the wall on the
drum beat in the song, thus allowing the performance aspect and the novel aspect
of the music video to intertwine. Another example is when two charcters are
having a sword fight to the beat of the song.
As the music video continues, there is a conspicuous use of of close ups
to sell the artist to the audience, which presents the artist in a sexual
manner. Nonetheless, there is a wide shot of 7 female characters walking
together with an explosion in the background. This conforms to the convention
of intertextual reference, as it will remind the audience of thriller films
such as “Charlie’s Angles” and ‘The magnificent 7”. Furthermore, the wide shot
presents the idea to the audience that the group of females are a gang as this
shot shows female strength and unity.
In conclusion, the Bad
Blood music videos conforms to Andrew Godwin’s conventions of a music video.
This allows a narrative to be told, which in this case is Taylor trying to get
revenge on someone that has betrayed them, which mainly is shown during the
verse of the song. Whilst also allows a performance to be displayed by the
artist, which is mainly shown during the chorus.
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