From this audience feedback, we feel that we have accomplished our expectations and aspirations for our film. The audience feedback was mainly positive which helps us think that a lot of people would see our film. The target audience said that their favourite scene was the bath scene, which is the dramatic climax of our film, thus the scene with most tension and suspense. Therefore this scene triggers and adrenaline rush in our teenage audience, thus they have received the encoding message we were trying to send and so we succeeded. Moreover, they said that they found the main actress attractive and her acting believable therefore we know that through our casting of our actress, we have guaranteed a riche teenage target audience. However, they said how the scream at the end was a bit unrealistic and I do agree with this because we found the sound clip on youtube, therefore if we were to do this again, I would record our actress screaming and use that in place of the sound clip from youtube. Moreover, they also said how the beginning of our film was a bit confusing. Therefore, if I were to do it again, I would make sure that I had a larger time frame for our opening sequence. This would allow me to film the stranger actually entering the house through the balcony.

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