Mood boards help others to 'get inside our heads' in order to convey a thematic setting for a design or to explain a function in piece of work. Therefore, my group and I deiced to create our own mood board in order to communicate key themes and feelings during our opening sequence of our horror thriller, '666'.
The mood board has helped us to physically see the atmosphere we want to create during the opening of our horror thriller sequence, '666'. We decided to create this mood board, because
during the writing of the script and drawing of the story board, we found it hard to convey the feelings and mood we want the audience to feel during our opening sequence. Furthermore we found it difficult to communicate our storyline clearly to people, therefore the illustrations in the mood board, allows us to explain our idea clearly to people, especially the actress staring in our film, therefore our actress will have a better indication of the atmosphere we intend to set in the first few minutes of our film, making her job easier.
The mood board includes key themes which my group and I wish to export during our horror film. For example the pictures of the young girls looking frightful, is something we hope to display in our horror thriller in order to highlight the terror element of our film. Furthermore the mysterious characters in black hoods represent the 'stranger' character in our opening sequence, who is the stalker and the killer. The appearance of the 'stranger' will mirror the appearance of the men in the hoods in order to give the character a mysterious aura, which is a stereotypical villain trait in horror films, therefore my group and I are conforming to typical ideologies of villains in horror films.
Of course, any horror film has to include blood, therefore we are conforming to this stereotypical ideology by having a scene devoting to showing the blood loss from the vulnerable and innocent victim. Through blood we can display the terror of which the villain has carried out, so that the audience can mourn the vulnerable character. Furthermore, blood creates a spooky and almost scary atmosphere, therefore we are displaying this feel amongst the audience, therefore again qe are able to highlight the terror mood of our horror film.
In conclusion, a mood board has enabled my group and I to be able to communicate how we will be highlighting the terror element of our horror film, '666'.